The Terapanth Yuvak Parishad is a youth forum that unites the Terapanthi youth from the age of 21 to 45 the world over. The formation of this organisation was due to the vision and able efforts of Acharya Shri Tulsi. It was his thinking that has led to this strong and rooted forum of Terapanthi youth. This organisation has a huge following of over 40000 youth across the world. The TYP has its wings spread all across the country with more than 325 branches which execute the vision of the present 11thAcharya of Terapanth His Holiness Acharya Shri Mahashramanji.
The vision of TYP is to generate opportunities and chances for the youth so that they can interact with the world. The organisation helps in strengthening the moral values of youth by creating opportunities to serve other people, state and nation through its various programmes, to network amongst themselves so that all can grow and a win-win scenario gets promoted and to inculcate in themselves the value of following the Jain philosophy. All this creates a platform for the youth from where the world see them as responsible citizens of the world.
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